Table of contents
Open Table of contents
- Work abilitys
- Drops
- Partner Skill
- Breeds from
- Breeds into * with *
- Breeds into Tocotoco with
- Breeds into Pengullet with
- Breeds into Bristla with
- Breeds into Swee with
- Breeds into Kelpsea with
- Breeds into Ribunny with
- Breeds into Daedream with
- Breeds into Nox with
- Breeds into Flopie with
- Breeds into Broncherry with
- Breeds into Killamari with
- Breeds into Fuddler with
- Breeds into Fuack with
- Breeds into Wixen with
- Breeds into Woolipop with
- Breeds into Dazzi with
- Breeds into Tanzee with
- Breeds into Gorirat with
- Breeds into Rushoar with
- Breeds into Direhowl with
- Breeds into Maraith with
- Breeds into Rooby with
- Breeds into Dinossom with
- Breeds into Chillet with
- Breeds into Beegarde with
- Breeds into Vaelet with
- Breeds into Dumud with
- Breeds into Digtoise with
- Breeds into Felbat with
- Breeds into Cawgnito with
- Breeds into Leezpunk with
- Breeds into Lunaris with
- Breeds into Foxcicle with
- Breeds into Loupmoon with
- Breeds into Fenglope with
- Breeds into Arsox with
- Breeds into Rayhound with
- Breeds into Robinquill with
- Breeds into Melpaca with
- Breeds into Reindrix with
- Breeds into Galeclaw with
- Breeds into Caprity with
- Breeds into Eikthyrdeer with
- Breeds into Blazehowl with
- Breeds into Kitsun with
- Breeds into Celaray with
- Breeds into Gumoss with
- Breeds into Univolt with
- Breeds into Lovander with
- Breeds into Tombat with
- Breeds into Verdash with
- Breeds into Petallia with
- Breeds into Gobfin with
- Breeds into Incineram with
- Breeds into Katress with
- Breeds into Bushi with
- Breeds into Vanwyrm with
Work abilitys
- generateElectricity Level 1
- handwork Level 1
- transporting Level 1
- Electric Organ
Partner Skill
Lady of Lightning
Breeds from
- Lamball
- Cattiva
- Chikipi
- Lifmunk
- Foxparks
- Fuack
- Sparkit
- Tanzee
- Rooby
- Pengullet
- Jolthog
- Jolthog Cryst
- Gumoss
- Gumoss (special)
- Vixy
- Hoocrates
- Teafant
- Depresso
- Cremis
- Daedream
- Rushoar
- Nox
- Fuddler
- Killamari
- Mau
- Mau Cryst
- Direhowl
- Tocotoco
- Flopie
- Mozzarina
- Bristla
- Gobfin
- Gobfin Ignis
- Hangyu
- Hangyu Cryst
- Woolipop
- Caprity
- Eikthyrdeer
- Eikthyrdeer Terra
- Ribunny
- Cawgnito
- Leezpunk
- Leezpunk Ignis
- Loupmoon
- Galeclaw
- Robinquill
- Robinquill Terra
- Gorirat
- Beegarde
- Swee
- Dazzi
- Lunaris
- Maraith
- Lovander
- Flambelle
- Wixen
- Verdash
- Vaelet
- Kelpsea
- Kelpsea Ignis
- Fenglope
- Felbat